近日,KAGAMI WORKS 工作室公布著名消消乐游戏续作《Mirror 2》的前瞻实机演示宣传PV。
《Mirror 2》为《Mirror》续作,除画面从 2d 转为 3d外,目前已知还保留了同前作一样各自独立的单元剧形式,以及并不简单的消消乐通关方式。游戏目前还在开发当中,并未公布更多游戏相关信息。
We know that many of you are concerned with the recent development of Mirror 2. (我们知道有相当多的朋友在关注《Mirror 2》的开发情况。)
We'd like to thank you for your support! We've been reading every review that you posted since day 1 Mirror was released. We value your input and feedback on this game very seriously. (我们非常感谢大家的支持!从《Mirror》发布的第一天,大家的每一条游戏评论我们都有在看。大家对于游戏的每一条反馈和意见对于我们来说都极其重要。)
Early-stage into the development of Mirror 2, we immediately felt how challenging it is to switch from 2D to 3D technical-wise. It's so much more than we initially expected. We're kinda like toddlers trying to learn how to run like Usain Bolt. (在《Mirror 2》的早期开发阶段,我们立即感觉到了从 2D 向 3D 转变带来的技术挑战,并且远远超过我们最初的预想。开发的过程中我们有点像从蹒跚学步的小孩子一点点向飞人博尔特的目标迈进。)
But we carried on, we've found the power to push us through the difficulties a long time ago - We just want to make a fun game, it's simple as that. All the pain, sweat, and hardship are just a part of the journey. We're still in the process of leveling up, we're still trying to clear the obstacles, we're learning new stuff every day. So we have to apologize, that Mirror 2 needs more time to polish before we can show it to you all. (尽管如此,我们还是在一步步前进着,而促使我们在这样一段漫长的困难时期没有放弃的动力仅仅只是我们想要做出一款有趣的游戏,就这么简单。酸甜苦辣尽在其中。每一天我们都在打怪升级,每一天我们都在攻克难关,每一天我们都在学习新的技能。所以真的很抱歉,在能保证给大家一份完美答卷前,我们还需要更多的时间。)
But the good news is, although having many obstacles, we've done something right and some part of the game already looks pretty good. It's not as pretty as we'd like it to be, but still, we managed to make a formal trailer, so you can have a basic understanding of how the game is going to be like. We hope you can see our passion and love for the game. And we'd like to hear what you would like to say about our progress so far. (但还是有好消息的,尽管要面多对如此多的艰难险阻,我们依然还不错的完成了游戏的一部分内容。虽然还没有达到我们想要的理想状况,但还是想办法做出了一个比较正式预告片,你可以通过这个预告了解到这个游戏大概是个什么样子。我们也希望你能够从中看出我们对这款游戏的热爱。当然,我们也想听到更多你对于这个游戏目前进度的想法。)
Thank you again for your love and support over the years. And still, we're going to the best we can!(再次万分感谢大家这些年来的爱与支持。我们也会尽我们所能让大家不会失望!)
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