Frognation claims that the localization receives little to no input from FromSoftware, and Miyazaki himself acknowledges that he defers heavily to the localizers. At the same time, they have both claimed to closely collaborate from early on in the writing process, even sharing some internal documents when needed.
Leucaria is a character from Roman mythology . Leucaria is the name given to the wife of Ítalo and mother of Ausón , eponymous for Ausonia (which is the old name for Italy ). Another tradition, collected by Pierre Grimal, considers her the daughter of the Latin king and married to Aeneas , which identifies her with Lavinia . She would be the mother of Romo, eponymous for Rome .
Rhea (or Rea) Silvia (Latin: [ˈreːa ˈsɪɫu̯ia]), also known as Ilia[1] (as well as other names)[a] was the mythical mother of the twins Romulus and Remus, who founded the city of Rome.
The Karolos Conspectus is the oldest of the academy's lineages of study, begat by the sorcerer Azur. Scholars who follow in his footsteps pursue the mysteries of comets.
The lineage of the Olivinus Conspectus began with the sorcerer Lusat, and its adherents continue his study of meteors.
Per ernia (dal greco antico: ἔρνος, èrnos, «germoglio, bocciolo») si intende la fuoriuscita di un viscere dalla cavità che normalmente lo contiene, attraverso un orifizio, un canale anatomico o comunque una soluzione di continuo.
The Cleanrot Knights vowed to fight alongside Malenia, despite the inevitable, if gradual, putrefaction of their flesh. Their acceptance of their fate made these battles fiercest of all.
日文中玛尔基特的头衔为“忌み鬼”,下水道蒙格的头衔为“忌み子”,对应的英文则使用了“Margit, the Fell Omen”与“Mohg, the Omen”。有意思的是,我们初见玛尔基特时,他自称“Margit the Fell”,而在被我们打败后的台词却又变成了“The hands of the Fell Omen”,不清楚这是否是有意为之;而蒙格的头衔就更奇怪了,直接称之为“the Omen”,没有和其他任何恶兆敌人做出区别,这里为什么没有和日文“恶兆之子”保持一致,我不太确定是为了表达这个“蒙格”只是本体留下的普通假身,还是沟通上出现了问题。
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