全称Lingomancy Research,“当代话术研究所”,是个主要做游戏本地化的单人工作室,专长是专指高级叙事的水土不服。无论你构思多花哨剑法多复杂,肯定有办法让你所有的心血在新的语言环境里照样成立。
出道前有两部练手作品,都是汉英向本地化。《真探》(CaseCracker)和《大多数》(Nobody – The Turnaround)。因为经验和信心不足,最终效果马马虎虎。经验攒差不多之后正是出道,现有三部作品,分别是《沉没意志》(Minds Beneath Us)、《三相奇谈》(Threefold Recital)、《挣脱:十三号站点》(Escape: Site 13)。
英汉向的本地化我也能做,就是总找不着项目。每年那么多海外游戏都带中文(虽然质量参差不齐吧),也不知道都走什么渠道做的汉化,反正市面上看不见招标啥的。如果您是发行商,欢迎跟我联系。要独立完成的英汉本地化项目样品是没有的,原因如前所述。但是我做英汉小说翻译,作品有N本《碟形世界》系列,包括读客的《废柴巫师》六部曲最后两部(译稿被改得比较多,本人不太承认),以及无出版社、免费网上发布的若干部,如《草芥神》(Small Gods)、《乱离人》(Interesting Times)等。同属广义的文学翻译,我觉得可以有相当的参考价值。
四大名著为背景设定的项目总的来说不想接。为什么?因为这类项目的主创容易有“叙事偷懒癌”。什么意思?就是默认【所有玩家都对背景故事滚瓜烂熟】,一路三级跳叙事。比如西游记直接从女儿国开篇,三国凭空冒出来个牛逼到逆天的角色也不解释为什么就一句“常山赵子龙”,如此这般。这也是为什么小说游戏改编电影十部里面九部雷的根本原因——主创进入了半瞎状态而不自知,默认所有观众都跟自己一样已经把原作翻了个底儿掉,只要跳跃着挑十几二十个经典场面来个boss rush就完了、中间连接部分全靠观众自己脑补。结果观众完全不知原著长啥样,满地差评。如果这是翻译小说、你给够钱,我不介意额外原创几万字把你偷懒省掉的部分全补上。但是游戏跟小说不一样,所有语言版本之间文本数量是【严格一比一的关系】。我想额外插文本也没地儿放。不能也,非不为也。与其接了项目再出龃龉,莫不如趁早绕道,大家都免了尴尬。点名四大名著因为这是首屈一指的重灾区。《山海经》在中国玩家之间都比较冷门的东西(大部分人除了书名跟屈指可数的几个经典怪物名之外啥也不知道),虽然也是硬核传统文化,一般却也不会有类似的情况,因为作者潜意识明白TA写的东西不具备群众基础、不能叙事偷懒。
LTE-9788-Flanders-Bosch-Pygmalion-Cetus(后文中以“实体”指代)是一头外观特征、解剖结构与蓝鲸(学名:Balaenoptera musculus,须鲸科,须鲸属)相同的异常海生生物,表现出现实重构级的本质促动能力。主要表现形式为使特定虚构叙事样本与现实世界的实在性反转。
LTE-9788-Flanders-Bosch-Pygmalion-Cetus, hereafter referred to as "the Entity," is an anomalous marine organism with external features and anatomical structure identical to that of the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus), exhibiting existential disturbance capabilities at a reality-restructuring level. Its primary manifestation involves reversing the palpability of specific fictional narratives with the actuality of the real world.
根据观测和推理,项目能够具象化的特定虚构叙事样本来自被其属性资讯感染的生物脑。这些生物脑在快速眼动睡眠(Rapid Eye Movement Sleep)阶段处理无意识“程序性记忆”时,所释出的高频资讯脉冲在激活意识脑部分之后,产生并反映至意识层面的视听信号解读与留档记忆(俗称为“梦”),将被实体利用,作为引发本质促动效应的主要媒介。
Observations and analyses indicate that the Entity can manifest specific fictional narratives derived from the minds of organisms influenced by its unique attributes. During the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep stage, these organisms subconsciously process "programmatic memories". The high-frequency information pulses emitted during this phase activate sections of the conscious brain, thereby generating and reflecting auditory and visual interpretations that are stored as memories—or what are commonly referred to as "dreams". The Entity then utilizes these dreams as the primary conduit for its reality-altering effects.
实体还疑似表现出一定程度的感觉区皮质(Sensory Area)电信号干涉能力,使受影响对象持续产生有关实体的完全性幻觉。项目的实在性与其属性资讯关联,即便将其生物性无效化,也可借助其他生物脑载体中对其属性资讯的记录留档,通过将这些资讯的无意识记忆的叙事实在性反转而重新涌现。
The Entity also seemingly exhibits some ability to interfere with the electrical signals in the sensory area cortex, causing affected individuals to continuously generate coherent hallucinations about the Entity. The reality of the Entity and its associated attributes persist even if its biological aspects are neutralized. It can re-emerge by reversing the narrative reality of these unconscious memory records stored in other biological brains, thereby utilizing this information.
19:13 我主将离弃此地。那赤目的天使便如是说。
19:14 因你地上相杀的声不止、所思想的尽是相欺的恶事。故我主将离弃此地。
19:15 逃去吧、你等先知的善人。须知不可流血、不可哀号、也不可回头看。
Olde Testament, Apocalypse I
19:13 My Lord shall forsake this place. Thus spake the angel with eyes of red.
19:14 For the sound of slaughter ceaseth not upon thy land, and the thoughts thereof are wholly of deceit and wickedness. Therefore, my Lord shall forsake this place.
19:15 Flee, ye righteous men and prophets. Know that thou must not shed blood, nor weep, nor look back.
20:11 你等不见有血雨在天边下起么?那便是世人满盈的罪。
20:12 你等不见有红烟在地上泛起么?那即是世人翻腾的恶。
20:13 我主离弃此世后、海必将变成血水、地也必将变成荒原。
20:14 因为祂忿怒的大日到了、谁能不遭审判呢?
Olde Testament, Apocalypse II
20:11 Seest thou not the rain of blood beginning to fall at the horizon? That is the sin of mankind in its fullness.
20:12 Seest thou not the crimson smoke that riseth from the earth? That is the turmoil of man's wickedness.
20:13 After my Lord hath forsaken this world, the seas shall turn to blood, and the earth to desolation.
20:14 For the great day of His wrath hath come, and who shall not be judged?
Neo Testament, Gospel of the Lucid
Thou hast heard mine name in the waning moonlight and in the lamentation of wild fires,
Thou hast called upon mine name in the vanishing fissures and in the dark depths of despair.
O Lucid Ones, ye shall come to perceive that meaninglessness is the verity of the world,
O Lucid Ones, ye shall come to discern that the significance of the world exists only beyond the world itself.
I reject thy name and isolate the encroaching wildfire with walls built of reason,
For the Lucid Ones shall also perceive that facing forward and advancing is the sole righteous path.
I deny thy name but acknowledge the terrifying Void born of Selves past and present,
For the Lucid Ones shall also discern that to descend into the Void and abysses bears no meaning.
Neo Testament, Gospel of the Cryer, I
The six are already furnished, and one now cometh hither. Six chains are already sundered, one chain at last held in hand.
Thou hast heard my name in the stench of howling winds, in the mournful cries of the wild fire.
Thou hast invoked my name as thou curled up weeping in the darkness. When thou prayest, I respond.
The Lord of the Seven Urns. The Wearer of the Crimson Crown. The Scarlet Demon. The Father of Howls. The Bearer of Seven Shackles. The Red Shah.
Thou hast vowed a sacrificial feast; now the torch is kindled. Howl, for all that hath perished, for all the blood that hath been spilled.
Seven commands, Seven shackles. Seven sons of man offered to the Crimson King.
In the ancient wilds, where names grow dim, the Lord perceived His people's need for sanctuary. He, therefore, set the firmest cornerstone to be the threshold and foundation for all nations. Where faith is resolute, no adversary may trespass; and thus shall the actions of men be directed.
And God did teach these earnest souls afresh, granting them discernment 'twixt light and shadow, instructing them in the art of proclamation during supplication, and the grace of concealment in their deeds.
He led them to touch their own visages, to awaken unto their honor.
In the acts of his hands, Faith is confirmed through his own countenances and fingertips, gauging the span betwixt himself and the Most High Spirit.
And the disciples hearkened unto the doctrine of God, and went forth to execute His will, to command all nations, to conquer and to preach.
They burned the old cities, and made low the high towers, to write with the ashes the laws of God, to promulgate His ways; and they mourned not the shape of ashes returned to ashes.
For the word of God is as a cinder-star in ashes, and by it His law is inscribed, and by it also He wreaketh destruction.
Go forth, Apex, and bring unto them the flame. For the Lord of the Seven Urns shall return, and he that weareth the Crimson Crown shall reign over men!
Seven commands, seven shackles, seven sons of men offered unto the Lord of Glory.
And the Spirit of God moved upon the path, and beheld the hearts of men; and He caused them to relinquish the perceptions of their earthly flesh, to contemplate in spirit the dwelling of God.
And they thus received faith from within their hearts, and saw themselves as brethren and sistren unto God, setting themselves apart from the multitudes without faith.
When God had made manifest His glory before all the eyes of mankind, and had declared all mysteries,
There was no more any to be saved upon the earth;
And He did saturate all things, thereby nourishing every living soul.
Then did the faithful entreat and worship his likeness from mud and flesh, as the gods of the heavens, receiving the adoration of multitudes;
Even as the devout faith that beareth His Holy Spirit.
In the end, when heaven and earth and all therein were made complete, God ceased from all His works.
He that holdeth the seven stars in His right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, made also the stars to dim and the lights to fail, for His rest.
Faith is the cornerstone of all things, of all peoples, of all deeds.
They close their ears against the enchanting words of other realms.
Contemplating their own existence, they prevent themselves from being lost.
Touching their own visages to ensure their identities perish not.
They paint with ashes and sculpt idols out of clay;
That the path they believe may triumph over all others.
When the seventh night arose, with all people in deep slumber under the high red sun,
The glory of God did shine upon all things, surpassing all kings.
The glory of God did obscure all things, surpassing all powers.
And the name of God shall be glorified.
In the realm's farthest corner, there lay an empire, cradled by God's blessing.
Gods, in His wisdom, chose seven stewards to govern this land. Under their guidance, the empire flourished and prospered.
Here, the people labored not for survival, spoke not in fettered words, wrote not in partial script.
And so, the empire knew not of poverty.
And so, the empire saw no strife.
And so, the empire never birthed selfish desires.
Among the seven stewards, there was one named Faith. He organized fasting events and set schedules for daily routines—when to pray, when to rest, when to eat, and when to procreate. At each day’s dawn gathering, he would call out to the followers, "The hour of prayer begins."
On that day, when dawn was but a part spent and an odd red light flickered, the faithful yet heard no call.
Faith, no longer firm, bore cracks and voids from the clash between desire and divine law.
Thus was summoned the spear of agony, piercing his heart with woes.
At last, he with his own hands solemnly drove the dagger into his crown, to end all suffering.
Blood flowed from his brow, coursing over his body, pooling at his feet in a deep crimson lake.
And amidst the scent of gore, the faithful continued in prayer,
Petitioning the steward all day until the deep of night.
In the pool of dark red blood, their prayers received responses unheard before.
O Son of Man, listen to this hymn.
O Son of Man, heed this prayer, so grim.
Unleash the urge to struggle, reveal the wild to kill.
From moral shackles to society's cage, break free at will.
When true Self to itself returns, all lies will break and spill.
O Son of Man, listen to this song of praise.
O Son of Man, attend to this prayer I raise.
Temperance a lie within a cage, self-conquest just the same.
Give your flesh to Desire, your human nature to the beastly flame.
When Self returns to itself anew, all lies will fail and shame.
O Son of Man, heed this hymn's call.
O Son of Man, to this prayer fall.
Alone you stand at birth, what ties but fleeting lies?
Relations forged on falsehoods, societies built on empty skies.
This moment demands self-emphasis, this moment for self-satisfies.
Face the truth: we are all on planes that never cross or tie.
When Self returns to itself, all lies will naturally die.
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