"I have to say no, I'm sorry. The Go series was a great adventure for us as a studio. We've done the three games, we've seen the wind. The hardest element is making premium games on mobile." 抱歉我们只能(对继续开发《GO》系列手游)说不。《GO》系列对我们整个工作室来说是一次崭新的尝试。我们已经做了三款游戏,并且也看到了趋势。对我们来说最难的部分是在手机端平台做付费下载游戏。
"Despite the critical success and the great revenue we've had, it's sad to see that our games are only played by a small slither of the population because of the price point. That's such a big barrier for mobile users. A lot of people consume mobile games only and they have all these options, all these games; why should they invest money in this one unless they're very convinced?" 即便我们已经取得了一定程度上的成功,并且获得了不错的收益,但是很悲伤的是我们发现因为需要付费,只有很小一部分玩家群体在玩我们做的游戏。对于手机游戏玩家来说,付费下载是个很高的门槛。很多玩家只玩手游,他们有着成堆的可选择游戏,除非对游戏本身质量深信不疑,否则他们凭啥花钱?
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