一小群来自各个王国的先知集合在一起,使用结晶化的Oversoul碎片来预知未来,并将这些预言写成了一本书——《以弗所书》(Ephesian Book)。A small group of seers hailing from all kingdoms use crystalized Oversoul fragments to predict the future and write down these prophecies in theEphesian Book
天启 CE 5085-5089 The Apocalypse
先知们预言将会有吞噬一切的黑暗。The seers have visions of an all-consuming darkness
Waland的探险 CE 5092-5099 Waland’s Journey
Waland接受Helos帝国的命令,前往帝国南方遥远的黑暗未知之地,去寻找《以弗所书》中预言的人类复兴之地。By order of the Helos Empire, Waland travels to the darklands in the far south foretold by the Ephesian Book as the location of mankind’s revival
魂之动乱 CE 5106-5109 The Soul Riots
民众对统治阶级垄断Oversoul十分怨愤,各国发生了大规模暴乱。With resentment rising against the ruling class over its use of the Oversoul, riots break out among the masses
战乱的世界 CE 5110-5113 World War
在各个王国分别镇压领内暴乱的时候,这场动乱已经升级成了一场战争。As the rulers of each kingdom turn against their respective populaces, the riots escalate into full-blown war
神罚降临 CE 5150-5200 Divine Punishment
人类不思悔改,一再犯相同的错误,终于触怒了古神们。对人类厌恶透顶的古神们降下了天罚,想灭绝人类。Disgusted by humanity’s unwillingness to learn from its past mistakes, theelder godsunleash their wrath upon mankind
女神降世 CE 5205 Birth of a Goddess
为了拯救人类于灭亡边缘,一个新的女神——Gaia诞生了。With the purpose of rescuing humanity from the brink of extinction, a new goddess Gaia is born
新世界的诞生 CE 5208 Birth of a New World
Gaia创造了一个新世界,给了人类一次重生的机会,但是,这也是最后一次机会了......Gaia creates a new world in order to give humanity onelastchance
和谐XX CE 5220 Age of Harmony
人类在新世界定居,进入了一段幸福的和平年代。Human begin to inhabit the new world, and a period of peace follows
Gaia学者会 CE 5317-5338 Scholars of Gaia
Darius主教担心人们会渐渐失去对Gaia的信仰,重回渎神灭亡的道路,于是建立了一个叫Gaia学者会的组织。Concerned about people losing their faith in Gaia, the high priest Darius forms a consort known as the Scholars of Gaia
好梦终有醒时 CE 5345-5347 End of a Dream
Gaia学者会当众处决了一个不信仰Gaia的人,在平民中引起了一定的恐慌。The public execution of a nonbeliever by the Scholars of Gaia creates tension among the masses
宗教战争 CE 5356 War of Beliefs
Gaia学者会和Helios教团(第一次出现)之间思想和信仰的分歧根本无法调和,小规模争端时有发生。Unable to overcome their ideological differences, the Scholars of Gaia and Helios Order start engaging in frequent skirmishes
CE 5384-5385 Spread of the Soul Plague
一种无法解释的魂之瘟疫悄然爆发,在民众之间引发了很大恐慌,而这又促使了各个派别趁机大肆拉拢人心,壮大自己。The unexplained outbreak of the soul plague prompts the different factions to capitalize on the people’s fear and expand their efforts to convert the masses
新世界学会 CE 5430 New World Academy
《以弗所书》被人重新发现,古老的预言昭示着人类黑暗的命运,Maria先知在急剧恶化的战事中创立了新世界学会。Fearing for the future of mankind after rediscovering the Ephesian Book, the seer Maria forms the New World Academy amid the rapidly worsening war
天罚 CE 5426-5450 Punishment
在审判日,Gaia选择毁灭人类。On the day of judgement, Gaia turns against mankind
觉醒 CE 5461-5475 Awakening
在魂之圣地的深处,Nomads(流浪者,注意复数)诞生了。Deep within the Shrine of Souls, the Nomads are born
重生 CE 5500 Rebirth
在Nomads的领导下,人类发起了向Gaia的复仇......Led by the Nomads, Humanity strikes against Gaia
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