From software于去年末的TGA上亮出了一个代号为“Shadows Die Twice”的新作,对于它的真面目则众说纷纭。今年E3,Xbox展前发布会上正式公布了这款由动视发行、From Software制作的新作,它的名字叫《只狼:影逝二度(SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE)》。下面让我们来看看《只狼》已知内容的详解视频:
One is the stab,another is the sweep.
So to stop sweep attack, you have to either perfectly press the block button the second it hits you.
That's one way to stop it,.
Another is to side step to get away from him, or another is the riskiest but potentially most powerful option, which is to press the step button and move towards him.
Which makes you step on his sword.
And it does a huge amount of posture damage.
【PC】《只狼:影逝二度(SEKIRO: SHADOWS DIE TWICE)》PC端在亚太地区的发行商为方块游戏,游戏支持繁简中文。
【Xbox】Xbox one x版支持4k hdr,并由渠道商可靠消息,《只狼》在台湾香港发行的版本将支持繁简中文。
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