我那时尝试去写“无机”的配乐,而且要是一听就知道这是来自 Square 的游戏。不过...当时这个项目(《寄生前夜》)进行得非常坎坷(笑)。真的很困难。
I tried to write music that was inorganic, something unique to Square. However...umm...it was a project loaded with hardships (laughs). It was really tough.
----下村陽子 (RocketBaby's interview with Yoko Shimomura 2002年12月)
I have devotion to all my soundtracks, so it would be very difficult to choose the "best one". If I must, it would be Legend of Mana? I think it best expresses myself."
----下村陽子 (RocketBaby's interview with Yoko Shimomura 2002年12月)
而我这里分享的这首曲子是 BOSS 战曲目。下村陽子说当时上头让她写个金属点的 BOSS 战音乐她还是比较吃惊的。音乐人有自己的考虑,不过创作配乐,也应充分考虑游戏制作需求。
下村陽子说自己接触到本作的内容的时候,自然想到了斯堪的纳维亚的乡村,所以最后也想到用瑞典语唱词来创作主题曲。主题曲《Song of Mana》的情感铺开可谓完美,毫无疑问是在游戏主题曲里的最顶尖级别。
2015年发行了这张下村陽子对《玛娜传奇》原声作品进行重编曲的专辑。对于我个人来说,除了《Song of Mana》以外,其他的几首重编曲都给了原曲一个非常好的新视角。希望各位可以去尝试听一听。
一开始我想的是:“啊,千万不要让我去做这个原声,我很抱歉但我真的做不到。”我无法想象《王国之心》的世界会呈现出什么样子......所以,我不知道我应该如何去谱写原声!这款游戏会有 Square 式的故事但是唐老鸭会在里面配合不同的配乐战斗,而且熊的主题被列为首选曲目之一......所以,我的第一反应是“这到底是什么游戏?”(笑)
At first I was like "Oh, please don't make me do it. I'm sorry, but I can't do it.” I could not imagine what kind of world “Kingdom Hearts” would end up being…therefore, I had no idea what type of music I should write! This game has the token Square style story but then Donald battles with that distinct voice and it is listed as the preferred music to be used among others...it was like, “What kind of game is this?” That was my earnest first reaction (laughs).
----下村陽子 (RocketBaby's interview with Yoko Shimomura 2002年12月)
In terms of Kingdom Hearts, it was an immense project with many hardships. When the soundtrack was completed and I listened to it in its entirety, it almost made me cry. Please, someone, praise me (laughs).
This title features dark music, cheerful music, sorrowful music…I was able to write a variety of tunes so although it was a massive project, at the same time, I enjoyed working on it very much. I am very proud of the work on Kingdom Hearts and if everyone can add it to their favorites, I will be very happy.
----下村陽子 (RocketBaby's interview with Yoko Shimomura 2002年12月)
本作原声专辑在全世界发行并且受到广大玩家喜爱。之后整个系列的音乐都大量在 Video Games Live 这样的演出中被演奏。主题曲《光》则是由宇多田光以自己的名字创作而成,成为整个配乐中的强大助力。
I had a request from Takahashi for this incredibly long track -- long for me, anyway; around nine minutes, it had to match up with a movie, too.so I was all "No way I can do nine minutes!" Then his request changed, he said to me "I still need nine minutes, but change it up in the middle," so now he was basically requesting two songs from me!
----下村陽子 (1up.com Xenoblade's Music Dissected 2010年5月)
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