Then, from the Dark, They came. And found the Souls of Lords within the flame. Nito, the first of the dead. The Witch of Izalith, and her daughters of chaos. Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful knights. And the furtive pygmy, so easily forgotten.
然后,有几只从黑暗中诞生的物种,受到火焰引诱,并在火的周围找到了王的灵魂。 “最初的死者”尼特、伊扎里斯魔女和混沌的女儿、阳光之王葛温和他的麾下骑士,以及没人看到过的矮人。
The eyes show a world without fire,a vast stretch of darkness. But 'tis different to what is seen when stripped of vision. In the far distance,I sense the presence of tiny flames. Like precious embers,left to us by past Lords,linkers of the fire. Could this be what draws me to this strangely enticing darkness?
那眼眸映照出的绝火世界,存在着无尽黑暗。 …但是,那与无眼的我们所感受到的并不相同。 我看得见在遥远的前方,有一簇小小的火团,而那就像是王者们传承的火──就像是余火一样。 可能因为如此,那黑暗才会如此地吸引我吧?
Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity. And men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite... A lie will remain a lie.
曾为光之王者、将人之名封入黑暗… 人因此获得虚伪的模样,这正是这个世间道理的滥觞。 人皆活在虚伪之生活当中,无论其何等温馨何其美丽,谎言不过是谎言。
I can almost see the flame... Soon, uncle Gael will bring me the pigment. I wonder if he has found it. The dark soul of man...
我就快要能看见火了…之后盖尔爷爷就会拿颜料过来。 不知道老爷爷有没有找到…人类的黑暗灵魂。
When the moment cometh to link the fire, wrest it from its mantle. The Age of Fire was founded by the old gods, sustained by the linking of the fire. But the old gods are no more, and the all-powerful fire deserveth a new heir. It shall be, who weareth the true face of mankind.
现在,火即将熄灭… 所谓火的时代,指的是从古老神明延续而来的时代,而传火就是时代的传承。 不过既然神已不见踪影,火的力量也该转移了吧…该转移到人类应有的姿态。
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