「吉考斯工业 × 黑暗之魂」联名系列和「吉考斯工业 × The Owner × 太鼓达人/块魂/黑暗之魂」联名太阳镜现已正式发售,为了给大家选衣做参考,这次我们还是请来了办公室里经常出镜的几位同事作为模特。这次的衣服版型较之前有所变化,稍宽大些,建议大家在购买前详细阅读淘宝详情页内的尺码表进行选购。
今天中午 12:30 半在淘宝「机核铺」依然会有新品实物直播,届时还会有福利优惠券发放,感兴趣的各位记得用淘宝 APP 来看!
「Then, from the Dark, They came.
And found the Souls of Lords within the flame.
Nito, the first of the dead.
The Witch of Izalith, and her daughters of chaos.
Gwyn, the Lord of Sunlight, and his faithful knights.
And the furtive pygmy, so easily forgotten.」
此款联名 T 恤正面图案采用了《黑暗之魂 3》中的经典场景,为避免穿着时感到闷热,这次同样使用了超工业 kornit (康丽)数码直喷工艺。
「When the moment cometh to link the fire, wrest it from its mantle.
The Age of Fire was founded by the old gods, sustained by the linking of the fire.
But the old gods are no more, and the all-powerful fire deserveth a new heir.
It shall be, who weareth the true face of mankind.」
「I can almost see the flame...
Soon, uncle Gael will bring me the pigment.
I wonder if he has found it.
The dark soul of man...」
「The eyes show a world without fire,a vast stretch of darkness.
But 'tis different to what is seen when stripped of vision.
In the far distance,I sense the presence of tiny flames.
Like precious embers,left to us by past Lords,linkers of the fire.
Could this be what draws me to this strangely enticing darkness?」
衬衫的黑白格图案选择了《黑暗之魂 3》里的防火女小姐姐,而白色格子里的图案恰恰使用了反色处理。这次的衬衫版型略宽松,大家购买前可以详细参考尺码表。
「Once, the Lord of Light banished Dark, and all that stemmed from humanity.
And men assumed a fleeting form.
These are the roots of our world.
Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite...
A lie will remain a lie.」
「吉考斯工业 × The O.wner × 黑暗之魂」墨镜
谁说三方联名不可以有?这次与活跃在国际非常火的华人设计品牌 The Owner 的合作款,选择了出行较容易佩戴的基础款型。UV400 镜片可以防止紫外线,在镜腿上还印有合作及主题标识。随盒会附赠眼镜盒、防尘袋及黑魂主题眼镜布一块。
「吉考斯工业 × The Owner × 太鼓达人」墨镜
「吉考斯工业 × The Owner × 块魂」墨镜
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