Break a thing, and you have fragments. Break those fragments, and you have dust. Break the dust, and then break what remains. Here is fire.
The Forge of Days, the Meniscate and the Madrugad are gods-from-Light. Mercury, silver and gold are the seeds of the Work.
In certain operations of the Forge, sunlight is said to overcome moonlight, as we pass from the Meniscate to the Madrugad. This essence was mercury, once, but now it's the rich gold of as ummer afternoon. Pretty.
albedo是一个拉丁语单词,意为“白色”。在黑化过程的混乱后,炼金术士通过这一阶段对物质进行净化——实际上被称作ablutio“洗去杂质”。这一阶段,物质会变为一种光彩的白色,这是贤者之石的第二种原色,标志着白色贤者之石已经形成——这是通往完全的贤者之石的第一站。选择此时打开容器,对白色物质进行进一步的处理,就能得到白色的贤者之石,它能将所有的贱金属转变为银。白化阶段涉及“为第一原质prima materia带来光明和清晰(澄澈)”。心理学家卡尔·荣格认为,这是一个“实现投影的洞察力的阶段(a phase where insight into shadow projections arerealized)。”弧月主管白化阶段的进行。
In the later operations of the Forge, the Madrugad yields to the true Forge of Days, and the essence begins to redden. Some day, perhaps, it will not, but for now we have this.
This is only a stone, though it is smoothed and sharpened to a midnight point, but look closer. Each of its facets shows a single point of light. It might be the glint of firelight. It might be each a different Star.
Store this only in containers of a pure element, and never permit it to grow warm. Perhaps it isn't the final solvent that the alchemists sought. But it will do, for our purposes.
在铸使徒线中,一些与飞升相关的原料和工具(如蓝金、破晓器核心)都具有一个共同的性相:大功业的一环An element of the Great Work(图标是骄阳脸)。
铸使徒的文本频繁提及的大功业the Great Work一词,亦是铸使徒对自己的工作或任务一种特定的称谓,只存在于该主线。“大功业”一方面表明该工作的特殊性和秘密性,以至于要用一个特定的隐语来称呼;另一方面也许表明铸使徒的工作与炼金术士们所谓的Magnum opus(Great Work,“伟大工作”)相关(可能AK就是以此为原型写的)。这一点在铸使徒线有充分体现。
With the guidance of our Shaper, we can refine this to something greater.
“黑”无疑指苦黑盐的颜色,“黄”指黄化精华。该反应总的颜色变化为黑——黄。“淘澄clarify”在字典中的释义为〔通过加热〕使纯净,使净化(to make something cleaner or purer by heating it),这便与先前提到过的白化过程发生了联系,因后者的目的就是为了在黑化过程的混乱或massa confusa后为第一原质primamateria带来光明和澄澈clarity,符合“淘澄”的描述。这也证明白化过程发生在黑化与白化的中间段。至于为何最终变为黄色,从炼金术实践上分析,也许是因为白化与黄化间隔的时间不长且黄化持续的时间较短,稍不留意产物很快就会变为黄色。当然更可能的角度还是得从游戏性出发,因游戏中只涉及了三种铸相原料。
Our immortal enemy has drawn attention to our work in the Mansus. A lesser Name of the Wolf-Divided is on its scent.
Our Great Work is threatened by lean grey malice. If we shroud it in light, that might deter this prowling wolf-splinter.
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