The Poker theme runs through every aspect of Balatro – what is it about the game that inspired you and what do you think makes it such a nice fit for roguish deckbuilding mechanics?
I don’t think that the poker theme is as pervasive as people think – real poker players will tell you that this game has almost no mechanical similarities to poker apart from the hand rankings. The poker theme was slapped on top of the game I was already creating mainly as an onboarding tool. I don’t play poker, I just think the imagery is interesting and tactile in a way that complements Balatro. This game was inspired by Big Two – a Cantonese card shedding game that I played with friends a lot when I was younger. I wanted to make an online version of the game for those friends to play with me during the pandemic, and it eventually evolved into Balatro.
不过,他说“I don’t play poker”,这确实是真的。因为小丑牌虽然模仿了牌桌样式,但是底层逻辑却是相反的。在小丑牌中,小盲注和大盲注是可以跳过的,但是BOSS关是不能跳过的。但是在扑克里,小盲注和大盲注是唯二两个不能跳过的位置,这就是为什么它们被叫做Blind,也就是在这两个位置的玩家,要闭眼下注。而紧跟在这两个位置后面的枪口位(Under The Gun),它是全场最劣势的位置,所以一般来说它是最常需要跳过的位置。
I find rogue-type games fascinating more than I actually play them. While developing Balatro I intentionally avoided playing or watching most games outside of Rocket League in an effort to keep my design ideas fresh and keep myself interested in the design space I was naively exploring. Balatro ended up being the first deckbuilder game I ever played because of this and I do think it’s part of the reason why it has succeeded. It also caused a bunch of hiccups where I found myself reinventing the wheel or missing obvious design flaws, but it was more fun for me as a hobbyist to approach it that way which was far more important. Eventually after about 18 months of development I ended up buying Slay the Spire to learn how they handled controller support for a card game and, of course, that game hooked me. I am certain that if I had played that game before creating Balatro that it would have infiltrated the design of my game.
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