Buying the full version of The Graveyard adds only one feature, the possibility of death. The full version of the game is exactly the same as the trial, except, every time you play she may die.
Our goal is to create elegant and emotionally rich art for computers interactive entertainment. As artists we focus on beauty and joy. We want to create art for people.
Does the gameplay described in the original version really add to the emotional impact of the game? Doesn’t it, on the contrary, reduce the impact: perhaps giving players something to do, creates a layer of protection against the emotional impact?
不得不说,这是一种非常激进的做法。在游戏性的故事性之间,Tale of Tales 最终选择了后者。ToT 期望通过不可缩放的固定镜头、极其缓慢的行走速度,让玩家从老妇人的视角感受这一切。
It is heart warming to know that over 100,000 people have played our game. That’s a staggering amount of people, more than would ever visit any media art festival or gallery exhibition. It’s nice to receive such confirmation that our choice of medium is not as insane as it may seem to some.
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