take control,take control
I see a vision rising, dreary
Fading in as children play twilight games
In the town called Ordinary
An eye of light reveals a gateway to doomsday
In that projection of reality
Something passes through the stars, shifting walls
Enter agents of ill fantasy
For evil holds you in its arms, false alarms
Illusory, treading on reality,Polaris in a web of hypocrisy
Take control,
take control
Oh, can’t you see, see the light is fading?
And in the night the demons rage and call your name
No deeper madness than your own making
Visions lashing blades of shame, but will you take the blame?
Hissing noises in the hallway
Bloodshot eyes, staring through, what seeds are sown?
Who’ll survive the blood red power play?
Who’ll take control, whose name will be known?
Illusory, reality’s all fallacy
Polaris in a web of hypocrisy
Take control,
take control
I wish I’d had the wherewithal to find you when I had the chance
Instead I danced with death in fervour’s skin
I missed the moment before the fall to recognise I had a voice
A choice to stop it all from happening
If only I could save you from the pain
A rising sense of awe and wonder
A might I see has always been deep within me
I can feel my inborn power
I call the shots when it’s all finally clear to see
And so I’m drawn ever deeper
In the Oldest House and all these empty rooms
This vacant, spellbound mystery motel
Where I’m the keeper, where I set the rules
Potency is my new reality
Polaris living now inside of me
I control
I control
或许鲜为人知的是,Poets of the fall这支乐队一直以来都是Remedy的御用配乐班底。这支来自芬兰赫尔辛基的乐队,用忧郁的旋律将Remedy独有的气质展现给诸多的玩家们。这支乐队的起步也颇为传奇:两个郁郁不得志的音乐人主音Marko和吉他手Ollie因为彼此风格的默契而决定创建乐队,后来却一直不得欣赏。而当键盘手Captain加入时,他们甚至连租录音室的费用都付不起,Marko干脆连房租都掏不出来。为了让心爱的音乐事业能够继续下去,Marko基本卖光了自己多年攒下来的东西,Ollie提供了一辆破房车作为大家的“移动办公室”,Captain则找到了自己亲戚家的一间地下室,作为乐队的临时聚会所、排练室、录音室兼饭堂。
《Max Payne 2》取得的成就,也让Potf一跃成为大众视野中的优秀乐队之一。“Late Goodbye”在当年获得芬兰流行音乐排行榜首位的殊荣,也让乐队获得了来自国际的认可,并获得2004年G.A.N.G(游戏音乐网络协会)颁发的奖项,之后的专辑"Sign of life"在2005年1月再次占领芬兰流行榜冠军,并在榜上停留达一年之久。从此,他们与Remedy之间便形成了牢不可破的缘分。
Alan Wake:在虚拟与现实之间流离
2009年12月9日,乐队忽然宣布:他们第四张专辑《Twilight Theater》的单曲《War》中将迎来一位特别的合作者——Alan Wake。事实上,这也是Potf与Remedy合作的一个彩蛋:当Alan Wake行走于亦真亦幻的迷幻空间中时,Potf也相应地成为了这个宇宙中的一部分。玩过游戏的朋友们应该还记得里面有两首同样带有哀伤情结的配曲《Children of the Elder God》和《The Poet and The Muse》,这便是Potf的作品,虽然在游戏中它的创作者是Old Gods of Asgard(阿斯加德旧神),但其实他们的形象与主旨,都与Potf并无二致。
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