Centaury is a genus of 20 species of medicinal herbs. Its flowers are small and pink.
Centaury has healing properties to many magical remedies and medicines. It can also be used as an incense to drive off dangerous creatures and reduce anger and negative energies.
Centaury is associated with the Sun and the element of Fire.
❶ Robin Goodfellow,罗宾·古德非罗,英国民间传说中最具代表性的妖精之一,又被称为Puck或者Hobgoblin。
▎ Cobra Lily,眼镜蛇百合、加州投手植物
——Venomous Plant
Cobra Lily is a sentient plant and the only species within its genus, which makes it very rare. Its bite can be fatal if left untreated.
Cobra Lily's venom is a rare and coveted ingredient in potion making. Not only is it essential in making the antivenin for a Cobra Lily bite, it is also extremely sweet and can greatly improve any potion's flavor if the venom is safely diluted.
Cobra Lily is associated with Venus, and the element Earth.
A Cobra Lily was a strange plant-like magical creature somewhat similar in appearance to the Muggle counterpart. Jules Egwu once stumbled on a patch of them and barely made it out alive.
The Cobra Lily is presumably a reference to Darlingtonia californica, a carnivorous plant known as the cobra lily because of the resemblance of its leaves to a striking cobra.
眼镜蛇百合是一种奇怪、类似植物的魔法生物,在外观上与麻瓜的同类生物有些相似。Jules Egwu(《霍格沃茨之遗》中出现的女巫)曾经偶然发现了一片,但几乎没法成功将其养活。
眼镜蛇百合可能指的是Darlingtononia californica,这是一种食肉植物,被称为眼镜蛇百合,因为它的叶子与引人注目的眼镜蛇相似。
▎ Cowbane,毒芹、毒牛芹
——Versitile Herb
Cowbane is a poisonous perennial plant native to northern and Central Europe, northern Asia, and northwestern North America. It grows up to 1 to 2 meters tall. A single bite of its root can cause death.
As a potion ingredient, Cowbane is very versatile. It can be used to make things like shrinking solutions, paralysis potions, and various pesticides.
Cowbane is associated with Pluto and the element of Water.
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