Given the initial image, sample coordinates are generated along a ray cast from the pixel location to the screen-space light position. The light position in screen space is computed by the standard world-view-project transform and is scaled and biased to obtain coordinates in the range [-1, 1]. Successive samples L(s, , i ) in the summation of Equation 4 are scaled by both the weight constant and the exponential decay attenuation coefficients for the purpose of parameterizing control of the effect. The separation between samples' density may be adjusted and as a final control factor, the resulting combined color is scaled by a constant attenuation coefficient exposure.
To render the volumetric light effects, we start by rendering a shape for each light that represents the light's volume. ... For the sunlight we will render a fullscreen quad, as the volume of the sunlight covers the entire scene. We render each shape with a special volumetric light shader. For each pixel the shader will calculate the line segment of the view ray that intersects the light's volume. We then enter the ray-march loop, which takes multiple light contribution samples across this line segment. Artists can define the number of ray-march steps we take on a per-light basis. For each ray-march step the sample position is calculated, and the sample is lit using the same code we would normally use to light the geometry.When performing the lighting calculations, we assume we are lighting a completely diffuse white surface that is facing the light direction to get the maximum contribution of the light at the sample's position. Because we use the same code that is used to calculate the lighting for a regular surface, we automatically support all light features we have, such as shadow mapping, fall-off ranges, textures to define the light's color, etc. To improve rendering performance, we disabled all shadow filtering features.... Finally, all ray-march samples are added together, and the effect is rendered additively to the scene.
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