“艺术就是爆炸”,爆炸伴随燃烧。它们都是各种娱乐作品里的常客,也多是作品体验过程中的高峰。与水体模拟类似,火焰模拟在计算机图形学和电子游戏、影视特效制作中必不可少。20世纪80年代初,Reeves首次将粒子系统引入计算机图形学的实际应用,在电影《星际迷航II:可汗怒吼》(Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Paramount Pictures 1982)中成功模拟火墙效果。
在最终幻想7重制版(Final Fantasy VII Remake,SQUARE ENIX 2020)最终决战前、命运的岔路口处,刚刚经历第17章名为“逃离混沌(Deliverance from Chaos)”的主角团们,不得不再次踏入象征混沌的“湍流火焰”,非常巧妙的呼应(当然这里并非真的火焰,只是具有湍流火焰的流动特征)。在死亡搁浅(Death Stranding, Kojima Project 2019)中,焦油作为冥滩出现在现实世界的副产物之一,也属于死亡搁浅世界观下的标志性物质,它的高粘性从游戏中也能略窥一二。
关于物理真实和视觉真实的讨论,可参考上篇水体模拟中的“记”,Fournier和Reeves有相当精彩的论述。此外Ebert等仍强调,"For entertainment applications, empirical accuracy is not the goal; visual verisimilitude is, and visual novelty might prove even more useful."
对于火焰模拟和水体模拟的区别,Lamorlette和Foster指出:"Fire on the other hand, is a dramatic element that requires the maximum level of control possible while maintaining a believable appearance. We expect fire to look complex and unpredictable, while at the same time having a recognizable structure according to the conditions under which it is burning. That complexity by itself makes direct numerical simulation of fire much less attractive than for other phenomena..."令人信服的火焰外形应当是不可预料的,但火焰动画又必须可控,按照艺术创作者的需要绽放。所以它不能是纯物理的,这样对创作者而言就缺少调整方式;它也不能是纯动画的,这样太不真实。本篇实现的分形火焰虽然看着像个火焰,但很缺乏真实性。也许基于上述内容可以加入一些物理的模拟构造出更逼真的效果。而焦油模拟的效果显然比火焰要好,实际上这两个效果都是基于完全相同的随机数种子生成的(取消了随机数生成器,改为输入一组固定数据)。这也是Lamorlette等看法的又一印证。
实际上在D4火焰效果实现后发现,早在2009年工业光魔公(Industrial Light & Magic)的两位研究员Horvath和Geiger就已经将小波变换引入计算机图形学的火焰模拟过程:We augment the PIC/FLIP technique by using a simple wavelet decomposition on the velocity grid to produce multiple levels of detail. This allows us to amplify vorticity at multiple scales as well as accelerating convergence of the iterative incompressibility solution.他们的思路也是使用小波分解来增强火焰的细节,但包含物理求解不可压NS方程的过程,也有一套具体实现方案。他们使用NVidiaQuadro5600 GPU,每个切片的每一帧平均需要20秒来模拟。使用10个GPU,模拟通常需要2到4个小时,渲染需要另外的1到2个小时。实现结果如图。
游戏创作就是艺术创作。不仅如此,更底层的计算机图形学也是艺术。Musgrave、Peachey和Ebert等对梵高、修拉的绘画作品与计算机图形学进行对比:"Good painters evoke worlds of color in a painting, and even in a single brush stroke. Van Gogh, who painted with a palette knife, not a brush, executed several paintings in the morning, took a long lunch, then did several more in the afternoon. Painting in a hurry, he didn't mix his paints thoroughly before applying a thick blob to the canvas. Thus each stroke has a universe of swirling color within it. Seurat's pointillism is another form of what painters call juxtaposition, or the use of a lot of different colors to average to some other color. This is part of the visual complexity that, to me, distinguishes good paintings from most computer graphics."
[5] Depicting Fire and Other Gaseous Phenomena Using Diffusion Processes, J. Stam et. al.
[6] Interactive Simulation of Fire, Z. Melek et. al.
[7] Particle Systems-Technique for Modeling a Class of Fuzzy Objects, Reeves, William T.
[8] A Technique for Art Direction of Physically Based Fire Simulation, A. Bangalore et. al.
[9] Physically Based Modeling and Animation of Fire, Nguyen et. al.
[10] Breeding Terrains with Genetic Terrain Programming: The Evolution of Terrain Generators, Frade et. al.
[11] A Fire Flame Simulation Scheme with Massively Parallel Processing, Byeong-uk Im et. al.
[12] The Fractal Geometry of Nature, Mandelbrot
[13] Directable, High-Resolution Simulation of Fire on the GPU, Horvath et. al.
[14] Laminar Flamelet Concepts in Turbulent Combustion, N. Peters
[15] Improving Noise, K. Perlin
[16] Generating and Rendering Procedural Clouds in Real Time on Programmable 3D Graphics Hardware, Hasan et. al.
[17] Introduction to Wavelet Transforms, Bhatnagar
[18] Generation of Augmented Bathymetry to Aid Development of Terrain-Aided Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Localization and Navigation Approaches, Heubach et. al.
[19] A Parallel Algorithm Using Perlin Noise Superposition Method for Terrain Generation Based on CUDA architecture, Li et. al.
[20] Texturing and Modeling: A Procedural Approach, Ebert et. al.
[21] 小波变换与图像、图形处理技术,孙延奎
[22] Wavelet Analysis: Basic Concepts and Applications, Arfaoui et. al.
[23] Wavelet Transforms, Kith and Kin, Shah et. al.
[24] Wavelets and Wavelet Transform Systems and Their Applications: A Digital Signal Processing Approach, Akujuobi
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