根据杀出重围所有作品(时间线在隐形战争前的)设定全部严格按照deus ex Bible。Shortly after J.C. was born(出生时间是人类分裂的2029年), scientists invented an incubator(versalife vault文本中出现的) that could bring a clone to term from the embryonic stage.The number of clones available for experiments grew dramatically, and the doctors could now perform their experiments with "control" clones. The pace of progress increased.
原文:The Shackleton Facility is almost ready for full operation and everything has been laid out according to your specifications. All of the equipment has been moved-in minus a few incidentals (one of the incubators(deus ex Bible提及的JC Denton克隆培育舱) was broken in transit). Living quarters are fully stocked as well. Personnel are scheduled for transfer next week.
Will you be wanting to brief them in person?We are experiencing some issues with the transfer of experiments from New Mexico, specifically the bovine manipulation project(杀出重围2000的小灰人). It may be prudent to wait until a later date, but I will leave the final decision up to you.
I understand your reasoning, but I still think letting him die would be safer(鲍勃想让卢修斯自然死亡). However, I'll acquiesce to your judgement. I have had a chance to examine E.L.I.Z.A. and it definitely will be a good starting point for the M Initiative (we need a name for this! Mandrake? Morpheus? Master? Something...)(这里指的是鲍勃和埃弗里特讨论利用支线中逃亡的伊莱莎Eliza来编程人工智能Morpheus).
I wouldn't worry about complete isolation. I'm not sure the program is sophisticated enough to cause any trouble on its own... Besides, where would it hide?
We have some things to discuss, my friend. I think it's going to happen sooner rather than later. He puts on a good front, but Roman says as soon as the rest of us leave, he (卢修斯•戴比尔斯)practically collapses. Has to be almost carried to his bed. Thankfully, the cryo pod(卢修斯用来维持生命的工具,最后苟活到2052才发现自己已经被架空) is ready. We have to be ready as well. The Council grows more divided everyday(光明会逐渐分崩离析), but I believe approaching them one and a time and showing them some of our "unauthorized" projects will pull them back on track.
On that note, I've branched the E.L.I.Z.A. program from a back-up version for the M Initiative. Have you had a chance to look at it yet? I want to know just how it got out of control like that.
The current live version that is running is a regression. It should be safe enough. I only hope we were able to isolate it completely.
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