在提到去年颇受争议的游戏《星球大战 前线2》时,EA 首席财政官布莱克·约根森表示,EA 高层对于这款游戏的预计销售量是1000万套,而目前《星战前线2》的销售量是900万套,这低于 EA 高层预估的数字。比起系列第一部作品《星战前线》的同季度1300万套销量目前《星战前线2》可以说是惨败。
EA 意识到了这款游戏和它失败的内购系统有关。高层认为这款由 EA 旗下三家工作室——EA DICE、Criterion Games 和 EA Motive Studios 合作开发的游戏,在其内购交易系统出现的问题是一个很好的学习机会(Learning Opportunity)。虽然在现阶段,《星战前线2》的销售量低于 EA 预期,但发售三个月900万套游戏销量依旧惊人。布莱克·约根森表示,公司依旧希望《星战前线2》在现财年内再顺利卖出300万套,达到首个财年内销售1200万套的数额。相比而言,2015年发售的前作《星战前线》在其财年内销售了1400万套。
Going forward, we believe that live services that include optional digital monetization, when done right, provide a very important element of choice that can extend and enhance the experience in our games. We're committed to continually working with our players to deliver the right experience in each of our games and live services.
其实从字里行间我们能够看出,EA 对于微交易系统依旧有着不小的期待,而安德鲁·威尔森在会上还表示:非常开心《星战前线2》拥有一个有话直说的玩家社群,这样 EA 可以很直观地了解到他们在这款游戏一开始发售时的微交易系统存在很大问题:
We never intended to build an experience that could be seen as unfair or lacking clear progression, so we removed the feature that was taking away from what fans were telling us was an otherwise great game. We are fortunate to have such passionate players that will tell us when we get it right, and when we don't. We're now working hard on more updates that will meet the needs of our players, and we hope to bring these to the Battlefront II community in the months ahead.
在去年风靡全球的《绝地求生》以其独特的“大逃杀”游戏模式吸引了万千玩家的目光。这次游戏玩法的极大更新也让 EA 对于自身游戏玩法有了更多的思考。在这些季度财报会议上,EA 首席执行官安德鲁·威尔森就对于《绝地求生》和他的制作组蓝洞表达了尊敬和赞赏:
I think what you discover in this industry is that there's a lot of great vectors that drive player engagement, and one of those is just innovation in the core gameplay mechanic. What the team with PUBG have done is really delivered a new level of innovation that changed the way people were playing first-person shooter games. And we're very respectful and complimentary of what they've been able to do. We've seen that continue with Fortnite. It's clearly a mode of play that the global FPS population is interested in.
而对于是否要在 EA 现有的第一人称射击类游戏中添加这一“大逃杀”游戏玩法,安德鲁·威尔森则有不一样的看法:
And given that we have some of the best shooters in the marketplace, you might expect that we're also thinking about new and innovative ways to play. And that doesn't mean just kind of 'making' PUBG replicas inside the Battlefield universe, but it does mean that our Battlefield teams--and I talked a little about this in the prepared remarks--are looking at how they innovate in every aspect of the game, including core gameplay and map design.
目前 EA 拥有多款市场上最好的射击游戏,你可能会认为我们在考虑新的、具有革命性的游戏玩法。当然这并不意味着只是做《绝地求生》的复制品套着个《战地》的大帽子,但这确实意味着我们的《战地》制作团队——这部分内容基本不在我事先准备好的内容里——在试图寻找对于游戏各方面具有革命性的点子,包括核心游戏玩法和地图设计。
EA 在《星战前线2》的内购系统上确实越过了玩家的底线,摔的这一跤相信足够他们反思并完善今后游戏中内购系统的设计。而对于玩家来说,如果单纯是因为 EA《星战前线2》这一个错误便全盘否定 EA 旗下其他制作组之后的努力,我想这是大可不必的。《吕氏春秋》中提到的“有以噎死者,欲禁天下之食,悖。”,恐怕说的就是这个道理。
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