Blue ElixirDubious liquid medicine used in strange experiments conducted by high ministers of the Healing Church.A type of anesthetic that numbs the brain.Hunters, able to retain consciousness by force of will, make use of a secondary effect of the medicine, which dilutes their presence while standing still.
濃厚な死血血の遺志を宿した死血の雫使用により血の遺志を得る強い遺志が濃厚な死血を生むそれは偏執にも似て、人の強さを支えるものだThick ColdbloodA thick droplet of coldblood containing Blood Echoes.Use to gain larger amount of Blood Echoes.A strong will produces thick blood. Doubtless, the product of obsession, a potent source of human strength.
Old Hunter BoneThe bone of an old hunter whose name is lost.It is said that he was an apprentice to old Gehrman, and a practitioner of the art of Quickening, a technique particular to the first hunters.It is most appropriate that hunters, carriers of the torch who are sustained by the dream, would tease an old art from his remains.
古びた狩人証老ゲールマンの時代に発行された狩人証もはや意味もなく、ただ過ぎし日を懐かしむものだそれは古い者たちの特権であり、侵すべきものではないそっとしておこう。真にその遺志を継ぐものでなければOld Hunter BadgeThis hunter's badge, crafted in Gehrman's time, has no practical purpose, except perhaps to assist in romanticizing the past.The badge was a special privilege for the hunters of the past, and should not be dishonored.It should be left in peace, unless one is truly prepared to assume the will of those gone before.
眷属の死血上位者に連なる、人ならぬ眷属たちの死血使用により名状しがたい血の遺志を得るこれよりは人の先、かつてビルゲンワースの見えた神秘であるKin ColdbloodColdblood of inhuman kin of the cosmos,brethren of the Great Ones.Use to gain unspeakable Blood Echoes.Dare not to delve int the world beyond humanity,the eldritch Truth touched upon long ago at Byrgenwerth.
上位者の叡智上位者と呼ばれる諸々の存在神に近い彼らの、失われた叡智の断片使用により多くの啓蒙を得るかつてビルゲンワースのウィレームは喝破した「我々は、思考の次元が低すぎる。もっと瞳が必要なのだ」Great One's WisdomFragments of the lost wisdom of the Great Ones. beings that might he described as gods.Use to gain Insight.At Byrgenwerth Master Willem had an epiphany: "We are thinking on the basest of planes. What we need, are more eyes.
精霊の抜け殻上位者の先触れとして知られる軟体動物の抜け殻軟体生物は多種存在し、医療教会は総じてこれを精霊と呼ぶ特にまだ滑りを残した抜け殻は、また神秘の力も残しておりこれを擦ることで、武器に神秘の力を纏わせるEmpty Phantasm ShellEmpty invertebrate shell that is said to be a familiar of a Great One. The Healing Church has discovered a great variety of invertebrates, or phantasms, as they are called.Shells with slime still harbour arcane power, and can be rubbed on weapons to imbue them with their strength.
エーブリエタースの先触れかつてビルゲンワースが見えた神秘の名残上位者の先触れとして知られる軟体生物、精霊を媒介に見捨てられた上位者、エーブリエタースの一部を召喚するものこの邂逅は、地下遺跡に宇宙を求めた探求のはじまりとなりそれは後の「聖歌隊」につながっていくAugur of EbrietasRemnant of the eldritch Truth encountered at Byrgenwerth.Use phantasms, the invertebrates known to be the augurs of the Great Ones, to partially summon abandoned Ebrietas.The initial encounter marked the start of an inquiry into the cosmos from within the old labyrinth, and led to the establishment of the Choir.
星の瞳の狩人証医療教会の上位会派「聖歌隊」の一員の証その瞳は宇宙を象っている「聖歌隊」の気付きは、かつて突然に訪れたというすなわち、地上にある我々のすぐ頭上にこそまさに宇宙があるのではないか?Cosmic Eye Watcher BadgeBadge of a member of the Choir, elites of the Healing Church.The eye signifies the very cosmos.The Choir stumbled upon an epiphany, very suddenly and quite by accident. Here we stand, feet planted in the earth. but might the cosmos be very near us, only just above our heads?
上層の鍵聖堂街上層を封印する鍵医療教会には2つの上位会派があり「メンシス学派」は隠し街に、「聖歌隊」は上層にそれぞれ拠点を置いている故にこの鍵は「聖歌隊」に近づくものだUpper Cathedral KeyThe key to the Upper Cathedral Ward seal.The upper echelons of the Healing Church are formed by the School of Mensis, based in the Unseen Village, and the Choir occupying the Upper Cathedral Ward.This key brings one a step closer to the Choir.
孤児院の鍵「聖歌隊」の生所、孤児院の扉の鍵大聖堂の膝元にあった孤児院は、かつて学習と実験の舞台となり幼い孤児たちは、やがて医療教会の密かな頭脳となった教会を二分する上位会派、「聖歌隊」の誕生であるOrphanage KeyKey to the Orphanage, birthplace of the Choir.The Orphanage, shadowed by the Grand Cathedral, was a place of scholarship and experimentation, where young orphans became potent unseen thinkers for the Healing Church.The Choir, that would later split the Healing Church, was a creation of the Orphanage.
宇宙は空にある。「聖歌隊」The sky and the cosmos are one. - The Choir.天空与宇宙是一个整体。这就是“圣诗”天空和宇宙為一體。 「聖歌團」
火薬の狩人証工房の異端として知られる「火薬庫」が発行した狩人証複雑な機構構造と、爆発的な威力にこそ魅力を見た彼らはそれまでの工房とは一線を画す、奇妙な武器を生み出した今は亡き「火薬庫」は嘯いたものだ「つまらないものは、それだけでよい武器ではあり得ない」Powder Keg Hunter BadgeBadge crafted by the Powder Kegs, the heretics of the Workshop.The Powder Kegs adoration of complex design and big booms culminated in weapon designs that contrast with those traditionally of the Workshop.The late Powder Kegs, bless their souls, had a motto: If a weapon ain't got kick, it just ain't worth it.
灰狼の帽子灰の狩装束/手袋/ズボン古狩人デュラの狩装束ささくれた狼の帽子は、特に象徴的に知られていた(帽子)灰に塗れ、それは血を避ける儀式の意味を持つ(帽子以外)工房の異端「火薬庫」との交わりで知られるデュラは(帽子)/彼は(帽子以外)ごく優しく、そして愚かな男だった故に旧市街の惨状に絶望し、狩人であることを止めたのだ "Attire of the retired hunter Djura. This worn wolf cap was his trademark.(←Only Cap) Painted with ash in a ceremony to ward off blood. (←Except Cap) Djura is known through his contact with the Powder Kegs, the heretics of the workshop. He is said to have been both uncommonly kind and dreadfully foolish. Djura felt defeated by the state of Old Yharnham, and renounced his hunter's vows.
目隠し帽子聖歌装束/手袋/ズボン医療教会の上層、「聖歌隊」の装束「聖歌隊」は、医療教会の上位聖職者であると共にビルゲンワースから思索を引き継ぐ学術者でもある帽子の目隠しは、彼らが学長ウィレームの直系である証であるたとえ、いまや道を違えたとしても(帽子)見捨てられた上位者と共に空を見上げ、星からの徴を探すそれこそが、超越的思索に至る道筋なのだ(帽子以外) Attire of the Choir, high ranking members of the Healing Church. Members of the Choir are both the highest-ranking clerics of the Healing Church, and scholars who continue the work that began at Byrgenwerth. (↓Only Cap) They eye covering indicates their debt to the teachings of Master Willem, even though their paths diverged. (↓Only Garb) Together with the left behind Great One, they took to the skies, in search of astral signs, that may lead them to the rediscovery of true greatness
血の穢れカインハーストの血族、血の狩人たちが人の死血の中に見出すという、おぞましいもの血の遺志の中毒者、すなわち狩人こそが、宿す確率が高いという故に彼らは狩人を狩り、女王アンナリーゼは捧げられた「穢れ」を啜るだろう血族の悲願、血の赤子をその手に抱くためにBlood DregThe Vilebloods of Cainhurst, blood-lusting hunters, see these frightful things in coldblood.They often appear in the blood of echo fiends, that is to say, the blood of hunters. Queen Annalise partakes in these blood dreg offerings, so that she may one day bear the Child of Blood, the next Vileblood heir.
レッドゼリー聖杯の儀式に必要となる素材の1つそれは地下遺跡の各所に死に落ちた人ならぬ、なりそこないの赤子たちであるRed JellyMaterial used in a Holy Chalice ritual.Stillborn infants born of a creature of unknown origin, of the type found in some corners of the old labyrinth.
アデーラの血医療教会の尼僧アデーラの「施しの血」HP回復に加え、一定時間、さらにHPを回復し続ける教会の尼僧たちは、優れた血を宿すべく選ばれ調整された「血の聖女」であるその施しは、医療教会と拝領の価値の象徴なのだBlood of AdellaBlood taken from Adella, nun of the Healing Church. Restores an amount of HP, then continues to gradually restore HP for a short time.The Healing Church nuns are chosen for their merit as vessels for blood, and groomed as Blood Saints. The mere chance of being treated with their blood lends legitimacy to the Healing Church and communion.
トゥメルの聖杯聖杯教会に安置されていた儀式聖杯狩人の夢、墓の祭壇で儀式を行えば地下遺跡の封印は解けるだろう 聖杯は神の墓を暴き、その血は狩人の糧になる …聖体を拝領するのだ…Pthumeru ChaliceRitual chalice found in the Church of the Good Chalice.Use in a ritual at the tomb altar in the Hunter's Dream to break the seal of the old underground labyrinth.Let the chalice reveal the tomb of the gods; let blood be the hunter's nourishment....And let ye partake in communion...
涙石白銀に輝く涙の石使用により雫の血晶石となり、あらゆる武器を強化できる実際に、人形に血も涙もあろうはずはなく故に得体はしれぬものだTear StoneSilver-shining tear stone.Use to change into a droplet blood gem that fortifies any weapon.A doll sheds neither blood nor tears and thus its nature remains unknown. Whoever thinks this is precious must be troubled by severe naivete.
石ころヤーナムのあちこちに転がる、まるい石ころ適当に投げつけることができるそれ以上のことはないPebbleSmall pebbles found throughout Yhamam.Can be thrown at foes.Quite thrilling
CannonLarge prototype firearms fashioned by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs.Use of this weapon is equivalent to toting a mounted cannon, complete with its ridiculous weight, staggering kick, and lavish use of Quicksilver Bullets, into battle.Such monstrosity was doomed from the start, and indeed its development was cut short. Yet, against impossibly gigantic foes, it might be just the thing.
獣の咆哮背教者イジーの手になる禁じられた狩道具の1つ忌まわしい不死の黒獣、その力をごく一時的に借りる触媒であり圧を持った獣の咆哮により、周囲のものを弾き飛ばすつんざくその悲鳴は、しかし使用者の声帯が出しているものだ人の内に、いったい何者が潜むのだろうかBeast RoarOne of the forbidden hunter tools made by Irreverent Izzy.Borrow the strength of the terrible undead darkbeasts, if only for a moment, to blast surrounding foes back with the force of a roaring beast.The indescribable sound is broadcast with the caster's own vocal cords, which begs the question, what terrible things lurk deep within the frames of men?
生きているヒモ聖杯の儀式に必要となる特別な素材の1つメンシスが悪夢で得た巨大な脳みそは確かに内に瞳を抱き、だが完全な出来損ないであったその瞳は邪眼の類であり、脳自体は腐りきっていた。しかし、それでもやはり上位者であり、遺物を残す。特に生きたものは、真に貴重であるLiving StringSpecial material used in a Holy Chalice ritual.The immense brain that Mensis retrieved from the nightmare was indeed lined with eyes on the inside, but they were of an evil sort, and the brain itself was terribly rotten.But even still, it was a legitimate Great One, and left a relic. A living relic, at that, which is a precious thing indeed.
秘文字の工房道具ビルゲンワースの学徒、筆記者カレルは人ならぬ上位者の音を記録し、それをカレル文字と称したこの工房道具を取り戻した狩人はカレル文字を脳裏に焼き、その神秘の力を得ることができる血によらぬそれは、学長ウィレームの理想に近いものだRune Workshop ToolRunesmith Caryll, student of Byrgenwerth, transcribed the inhuman utterings of the Great Ones into what are now called Caryll Runes.The hunter Who retrieves this workshop tool can etch Caryll Runes into the mind to attain their wondrousstrength.Provost Willem would have been proud of Caryll's runes, as they do not rely upon blood in any measure.
輝く剣の狩人証かつて医療教会の工房が発行した、狩人証の1つ輝く剣のそれは、狩人ルドウイークの直系を示すそれは聖剣の二つ名で知られる狩人たちであり唯一、獣狩人が英雄たり得た時代の名残であるもうずっと前のことだRadiant Sword Hunter BadgeOne of the badges crafted by the Healing Church.The radiant sword indicates the heirs to the will of Ludwig.These hunters, also known as Holy Blades, are what remains of an ancient line of heroes that date back to a very early age of honour and chivalry.
雷光の狩人証医療教会の工房で変人として知られたアーチボルドの仲間の証。彼が勝手に発行したもの黒獣が纏うという青い雷光に魅入られた彼は生涯をその人工的再現に捧げたある意味それは、極めてビルゲンワース的であったろうSpark Hunter BadgeBadge crafted in secret by Archibald, the infamous eccentric of the Healing Church, for his friends.Archibald was fascinated by the blue sparks that emanate from the hides of the darkbeasts, and dedicated his life to its artificial reproduction. in a style of inquiry that, incidentally, closely followed the methodology of Byrgenwerth.
獣ビルゲンワースの学徒、筆記者カレルの残した秘文字の1つそれは遺跡の獣、その唸り声の表音であり「獣」の意味が与えられ、一時的獣化の効果を高める「獣」は、最初のカレル文字であり、同時に最初の禁字である血の発見とは、すなわち望まれぬ獣の発見であったのだBeastA secret symbol left by Caryll, runesmith of Byrgenwerth.A transcription of the roar of a labyrinth beast, the bearer of the "Beast" rune has accentuated transformation effects."Beast" is one of the early Caryll Runes. as well as one of the first to be deemed forbidden. The discovery of blood entailed the discovery of undesirable beasts.
左回りの変態ビルゲンワースの学徒、筆記者カレルの残した秘文字の1つうねる十字は「変態」の意味が与えられ左回りのそれは、スタミナを高める効果がある血の発見は、彼らに進化の夢をもたらした病的な、あるいは倒錯を伴う変態は、その初歩として知られるAnti-Clockwise MetamorphosisA secret symbol left by Caryll, runesmith of Byrgenwerth. The twisted cross means "metamorphosis."Rotated anti-clockwise, this rune boosts stamina.The discovery of blood made their dream of evolution a reality. Metamorphosis, and the excesses and deviation that followed, was only the beginning.
连同不可视的吾等之主一起。真是骇人听闻。 我的头颤抖个不停
ビルゲンワースの蜘蛛が、あらゆる儀式を隠している見えぬ我らの主も。ひどいことだ。 頭の震えがとまらないThe Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of rituals, and keeps our lost master from us. A terrible shame. It makes my head shudder uncontrollably.拜爾金沃斯蜘蛛將各式各樣的儀式都隱匿起來,還擁有我們失去的技術。真是無比可惜。這使我的頭顫抖不停。拜伦维斯的蜘蛛掩盖了仪式的所有方法。这真是可惜。我很讨厌蜘蛛。
教会の白フード/装束/脚衣教会の特殊医療者の装束彼らは、黒い予防の狩人たちの上位であり実験に裏打ちされた、血の医療と、獣の病の専門家である彼らにとって医療とは、治療の業ではなく、探求の手段なのだ病に触れることでしか、開けない知見があるものだ Attire of special Church doctors. These doctors are superiors to the black preventative hunters, and specialists in experimentally-backed blood ministration and the scourge of the beast. They believe tGarb medicine is not a means of treatment but rather a method for research. and tGarb some knowledge can only be obtained by exposing oneself to sickness.
学徒の正装/ズボンかつての学府、ビルゲンワース学徒の正装厚手のマントのついたもの/を取り去ったものビルゲンワースは医療教会の源流でありその影響は、多くの衣装にこそ強く残っている知識でもなく、哲学でもなく、外形ばかりを模するなど学長ウィレームの憂いはいかばかりであろうか Uniform of the students of Byrgenwerth, a bygone institute of learning. Features a thick cape. The Healing Church has its roots in Byrgenwerth, and naturally borrows heavily from its uniform design. The focus not on knowledge, or thought, but on pure pretension would surely bring Master Willem to despair, if only he knew.
メンシスの檻隠し街を主宰する「メンシス学派」その奇妙なやり方を象徴する六角柱の鉄檻この檻は意志を律し、また俗世に対する客観を得る装置であり同時に、夢の上位者と交信するための触覚でもあるそして、これは実際に、彼らを望む悪夢に導いたのだ The School of Mensis controls the Unseen Village. This hexagonal iron cage suggests their strange ways. The cage is a device that restrains the will of the self, allowing one to see the profane world for what it is. It also serves as an antenna that facilitates contact with the Great Ones of the dream. But to an observer, the iron cage appears to be precisely what delivered them to their harrowing nightmare.
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