Official Orders官方指令SCAF-ISC-81063主权殖民地联盟武装力量-信息存档记录-第81063号Battle Log战斗日志0321-2234~0322-03072314年3月21日22时34分到2314年3月22日03时07分FROM:Capt.J.SuzukiTO:MG.S.Mahad(布鲁斯诺夫号舰长)铃木仁上校汇报于(联盟武装力量少将)斯宾塞·马哈德2234:Captain of the C.M.S. Shackleton refused to implement the “Scenario Five”.2234:沙克尔顿号舰长拒绝执行“五号预案”。2238:C.M.S. Shackleton got into the “general quarters”.2238:沙克尔顿号进入一级战斗部署。2245:C.M.S. Shackleton recharged for the main armament.2245:沙克尔顿号主炮充能。2256:C.M.S. Shackleton turned on the fire control radar illumination.2256:沙克尔顿号火控照射开启。2304:C.M.S. Shackleton’s fire control radar locked C.M.S. Roanoke.2304:沙克尔顿号雷达锁定舰队轨道指挥平台罗阿洛克号。2315:C.M.S. Roanoke got into the “general quarters”.2315:罗阿洛克号进入一级战斗部署。2317:C.M.S. Brusiliov got into the first level “general quarters”.2317:布鲁斯诺夫号进入一级战斗部署。2322:C.M.S. Brusiliov turned on the No. 2 and No. 4 VLS and loaded the SAM .2322:布鲁斯诺夫号第2、4号导弹发射单元打开,装填防空导弹。2331:C.M.S. Roanoke changed the cruise orbit.2331:罗阿洛克号变更巡航轨道。2346:C.M.S. Terra NOVA got into the first level “general quarters”.2331:新星号进入一级战斗部署。2352:C.M.S. Terra NOVA disused the transport crafts SK1P2352:新星号停用轨道交通平台SK1P。0008:C.M.S. Terra NOVA sent two MULE fighters carrying ASM, approaching C.M.S. Shackleton.0008:新星号派遣两架携带反舰武器的战斗机MULE准备攻击沙克尔顿号。0012:C.M.S. Shackleton altered target to C.M.S. Brusiliov.0012:沙克尔顿号雷达更换照射目标为布鲁斯诺夫号。0027:The No.1 and No.3 VLS of C.M.S. Brusiliov were turned on and loaded with ASM.0027:布鲁斯诺夫号1、3号导弹发射单元打开,装填反舰导弹。0033:The MULE closed to C.M.S. Shackleton.0033:(新星号的战斗机)MULE接近沙克尔顿号。0045:MULE fired two ASM at C.M.S. Shackleton.0045:(新星号的战斗机)MULE对沙克尔顿号发射两枚反舰导弹。0050:C.M.S. Shackleton intercepted two missiles.0050:沙克尔顿号防空导弹拦截两枚反舰导弹。0052:C.M.S. Brusiliov fired two ASM at C.M.S. Shackleton.0052:布鲁斯诺夫号对沙克尔顿号发射两枚反舰导弹。0058:C.M.S. Shackleton intercepted two missiles.0058:沙克尔顿号拦截两枚反舰导弹。0104:C.M.S. Shackleton main armament fired at C.M.S. Brusiliov.0104:沙克尔顿号主炮对布鲁斯诺夫号射击。0106:The Cannon of C.M.S. Brusiliov was hit and exploded.0106:布鲁斯诺夫号舰首主炮被命中,发生爆炸。0112:C.M.S. Brusiliov initiated the DMG Control, four Cannon Control personnel were killed in action.0112:布鲁斯诺夫号启动(应急)损害管理,4名炮射人员阵亡。0118:C.M.S. Shackleton recharged the main armament.0118:沙克尔顿号主炮重新充能。0125:MULE fired the remaining two missiles at C.M.S. Shackleton.0125: (新星号的战斗机)MULE对沙克尔顿号发射剩余的两发导弹。0131:One of the two missiles was intercepted by the C.M.S. Shackleton, and the other one was intercepted by CIWS.0131:沙克尔顿号防空导弹拦截到其中的一枚,近防炮拦截到其中的一枚。0138:C.M.S. Shackleton suffered from close explosion and the air defense missile launch unit was destroyed.0138:沙克尔顿号遭到接近爆炸,防空导弹发射单元被击毁。0147:C.M.S. Shackleton's main armament fired at C.M.S. Brusiliov.0147:沙克尔顿号主炮对布鲁斯诺夫号射击。0156:Shock Point Drive of C.M.S. Brusiliov was hit and couldn’t move.0156:布鲁斯诺夫号船尾引擎被击中,不具备移动能力。0158:The main armament of C.M.S. Shackleton was recharged.0158:沙克尔顿号主炮重新充能。0202:The No.2 and No. 4 VLS of C.M.S. Brusiliov were all loaded with ASM.0202:布鲁斯诺夫号2、4号导弹发射单元全部装填反舰导弹。0215:C.M.S. Brusiliov salvoed 4 missiles at C.M.S. Shackleton.0215:布鲁斯诺夫号 4发导弹向沙克尔顿号齐射。0221:The CIWS of C.M.S. Shackleton intercepted two missiles,the rest all hit the C.M.S. Shackleton.0221:沙克尔顿号近防炮拦截其中两枚,其余全部命中目标。0225:Shock Point Drive and the VLS of the C.M.S. Shackleton were hit,nuclear power unit was exploded.0225:沙克尔顿号船尾引擎、导弹发射单元遭到命中,主引擎核动力装置发生爆炸。0238:The main engine of C.M.S. Shackleton was Down,VLS was overheated.0238:沙克尔顿号主引擎炸毁,导弹发射单元温度过高发生爆炸。0244:C.M.S. Shackleton was destroyed and the wreckages flew.0244:沙克尔顿号爆炸,碎片飞向各处。0250:C.M.S. Shackleton confirm destroyed.0250:沙克尔顿号确认击毁。0307:C.M.S. Brusiliov informed the rest ships to intercept the wreckages of C.M.S. Shackleton.0307:布鲁斯诺夫号通知剩余各舰注意拦截舰艇碎片。
" There's a reason they call the 163rd the "Reapers". These guys all cut their teeth doing wet work for us during the Secessionist riots on Earth. They're the coldest bunch of killers you're ever going to find and they're my insurance that nothing's going to go wrong."—Major General Spencer Mahad“163部队被叫做‘死神’是有原因的,早在分裂战争中,这些家伙都在暗地里帮我做一些见不得人的事情。这堆人是你见过、同时也是你能找到的最冷酷的杀手。他们是我决策的执行者,是我的保险。有他们在,不会出现任何问题。”—少将 斯宾塞·马哈德
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