其实在《狮子王》与《森林大帝》之间,其实有着比“抄袭”更深的关系一文的中段部分,我已经对此有所解释,包括动画师 Tom Sito 以及 Mark Kausler 等人都曾经表示自己是看过《森林大帝》,并且团队中有很多成员与他们一样,或多或少都知道这部手冢治虫的经典作品。
Tom Sito 在接受Huffington Post 的采访中表示,当时主创团队中确实曾有人提及《狮子王》与《森林大帝》的相似之处,但那时已经是《狮子王》完成大半的时候了:
One of the animators found a Manga comic book of Kimba’s with a setup that kind of looked like Pride Rock, and I remember he was like showing it to us, and I was like, "Wow, that is really close to ours, yeah." But I think it was never more than an amusing coincidence.
而对于《小鹿斑比》作为《狮子王》模板一事,Tom Sito 接着解释说:
“I think we were trying to achieve the same naturalism in the acting as ‘Bambi.’ The animals don’t walk around on two legs, and wear gloves with three lines on them. The art directors were also inspired by the color palate as the ‘Bambi’ art director Tyrus Wong. Taking into account the vastly different setting of course, ‘Lion King’ is in African savannah while ‘Bambi’ is set in a North American indigenous forrest.”[4]
我想我们在试图达到像《小鹿斑比》那样的自然主义。动物们不是靠两条腿直立行走、手上戴着(米老鼠那样的)只有三条线的手套。我们的艺术总监受到黄齐耀(Tyrus Wong)为《小鹿斑比》制作背景的启发。如果要说到艺术设定上最大的不同,《狮子王》发生在非洲大草原上,而《小鹿斑比》则发生在北美本地的丛林之中。
Tom Sito 还在采访中说过这么一段话:
“I can say there is absolutely no inspiration from ‘Kimba,’ I mean the artists working on the film, if they grew up in the ‘60s, they probably saw ‘Kimba.’ I mean, I watched ‘Kimba’ when I was a kid in the ‘60s, and I think in the recesses of my memory we’re aware of it, but I don’t think anybody consciously thought, ‘Let’s rip off ‘Kimba.’”[5]
而在《狮子王》中享有故事署名的 Mark Kausler 在1997年接受采访时表示,他和主创团队的部分成员确实在儿时看过《森林大帝》的动画作品,但他们在制作《狮子王》的时候,更多的只是希望创作出一部在非洲土地上发生的、没有人类参与的类似《小鹿斑比》的故事:
Nobody ever mentioned “Kimba,” and if any of us who knew of it thought about it, I guess we figured that since “Kimba” was always about the animals trying to get the humans to accept them as equals, the absence of humans in “The Lion King” made it obviously a different plot.[6]
1. 日本著作权法,即日本现行的《版权法》于1970年才正式颁布,手冢治虫在那之前的行为均属于在灰色地带疯狂试探。当时手冢的英文翻译、同时也是他挚友的 Frederik Schodt 就曾表示,当时在日本,版权管理非常松散,根本无法与今日相比(Copyrights were more loosely enforced in Japan than they are now)。更何况当时信息交流较为封闭,迪士尼很难得知大洋彼岸有一位画师在模仿自己的作品[8];
We're a small, weak company. It wouldn't be worth it anyway ... Disney's lawyers are among the top twenty in the world!
"We think it’s a totally different story. Kimba is part human, part animal. The Lion King is just an animal. Of course, we were urged to sue Disney by some in our industry. But we’re a small, weak company. It wouldn’t be worth it anyway. We received letters from lawyers in places like Iowa and Hawaii, offering to take up the case." He then chuckles and blurts, "Disney’s lawyers are among the top twenty in the world!"[18]
“我们认为这完全是两个故事。Kimba 更像是半人半兽。而狮子王则就是动物。当然,我们曾被产业内的相关人士催促要向迪士尼提起诉讼。但我们是一间弱小的公司。怎么样这都不会值得的。我们收到了来自爱荷华州甚至夏威夷的律师来信,他们希望能负责我们的案子,”清水义治哑然失笑然后继续说,“迪士尼的律师团队可是位居世界前二十的啊。”
"If Tezuka were alive when Lion Kingwas released, and if he knew about even the rumor that Disney might have copied elements of his work, he would have been proud."[19]
而时任虫制作公司主席的松谷孝征(Takayuki Matsutani)也曾对媒体表示称:
Quite a few staff of our company saw a preview of “The Lion King,” discussed this subject and came to the conclusion that you cannot avoid having these similarities as long as you use animals as characters and try to draw images out of them.
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