武侍乐队的设计蓝本应该很大程度上是基于90年代美国那些有着鲜明反商业姿态的地下摇滚。用《诚实预告片》里的吐槽台词来说就是,“(本作)一方面有着强烈的反资本主义叙事,一方面又是极度商业化的3A制作——基本上就是游戏界的Rage Against the Machine乐队(减去他们的魅力)”。
也有人说,他们的确和RATM很像,后者被奉为也许是“史上最叛逆的乐队”。为此我去搜索听了RATM的代表作《Killing in the Name》,对资本主义和美国文化不遗余力地愤怒声讨,令人热血沸腾,确实是一首非常具有反抗性和煽动性的一首歌。武侍乐队单曲的吉他音色和编曲风格确实都跟他们很像,致敬的意味非常明显。并且我还发现了这样一段故事:
有趣的是,RATM 于2000 年 1 月 26 日在纽约证券交易所门口出演由知名导演 Michael Moore 执导的《Sleep Now in the Fire》MV 时,不仅观众们群情激昂,甚至部分警察都情绪高涨,随着律动而欢呼。场面一度失去控制,不仅导致交易所被迫暂时关闭,而 MV 中 1 分 04 秒处一名男子手持「Donald Trump 当选总统」的标牌的镜头,16 年后一语成谶。
V: Know what I think? You're a true rebel, a revolutionary.
J: I-I don't understand.
V: Wanna give people something true, something real. Studio thinks they've found a sucker to make a fat buck on. But you're using them, you're gonna change the world.
“人类的贪婪将离我远去”——这话作为约书亚的挽歌也是非常合适的。在这个任务的最后,我甚至也陷入了某种良心的煎熬:有机会就用最热烈的话鼓励约书亚信仰的我,难道不也是这场人血馒头大戏的帮凶吗?唯一能让我为自己开脱的是,这样的结局是约书亚亲口说他想要的,种种的这一切都让《There Is A Light that Never Goes Out》的那句歌词—— To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die——有了新的意义。
K: Thought the whole US Cracks thing was me bein’ afraid. Of being exposed of people finally seeing me as another piece of merch, another rag in the corpomachine. Sellout Eurodyne, showin’ Asian pop starlets a good time for cash, fame and the chance to remind people he’s still fuckin’ alive.
V: No truth to that?
K: There is. But that’s not what’s important. Real problem’s deeper. Way deeper… See, thought I was afraid everybody’d think me another corposlave. But I was just afraid I’d be in someone’s shadow again…
J: Corps ’ve long controlled our lives, taken lots… and now they’re after our souls! V, I’ve declared war not ‘cause capitalism’s a thorn in my side or outta nostalgia for an America gone by. This war’s a people’s war against a system that’s spiraled outta our control. It’s a war against the fuckin’ forces of entropy, understand?
强尼: 长久以来公司控制着民生,拿走了一切……现在就连灵魂也不放过。V,我宣战,不是因为资本主义是我的眼中钉,也不是为了怀念过去的美国才这么做的。这是一场人民反抗脱缰的社会体制的战争,也是一场对抗乱世的战争,明白吗?
J: “Here lies Johnny Silverhand –"
J: “强尼·银手长眠于此——”
V: “The Guy who Saved My Life.”V: “我的救命恩人。”
J: V… You don’t know how much I want that to be true. Listen, I realized I fucked up a lotta things. Either let down or used every last person who gave me their trust. Blind, selfish bastard that I was. But I managed one thing for now. Not to fuck this up, what we have.
J: V……你知道我有多么希望这是真的啊。听着,我知道我把很多事都搞得稀巴烂。要么让朋友们失望,要么耗尽他们的信任。以前的我就是个自私的人渣啊。但现在不会了。我不想搞臭你我之间的关系,来之不易。
V: No, Johnny, you fucked that up, too. You used me, lied to me... I can't trust you at all.V: 你想多了,强尼。已经搞臭了。你利用我,欺骗我……我是不会再相信你了。
J: Ahem, is it too late to ask for a second chance?
J: 咳咳,那让你再给我一次机会还来得及吗?
V: What do you want from me?
V: 你到底想干嘛?
J: Most people I thought were my friends, they couldn’t even stand to be in the same room with me. You’re fuckin’ closest to me by a long shot. There twenty-four seven. And yet, you don’t seem to hate my living guts. At least so it seemed... till now.
J: 我把某些人当朋友看,但他们连跟我待在同一间屋子里都受不了。你离我这么近,7*24小时形影不离。但……你似乎一点也不讨厌我的做派。至少看着是的……现在我明白了。
V: OK. But as second chances go, this is youre last. I refuse to be that naive.
V: 好吧。给你最后一次机会,别再浪费了。我可没那么天真。
顺带一提,只有在玩家选择上面的对话选项后(后续还有但就不摘了),才能解锁两人单刷荒坂塔的隐藏结局任务《以我残躯化烈火(Don't Fear the Ripper)》。从这里可以看出CDPR的巧妙设计:凡事不能总说好话,只有当强尼真正意识到V是他得来不易的最后一次机会,并且自己的所作所为并不是那么对得起V时,才能让两个人的关系更上一层,才能在后来愿意和V一起进行这场自杀性的行动。
J: Remember wakin’ up at Viktor’s, not knowin’ about me? “I’m seeing things, I’m scared.” Then moaning at Misty’s about how you didn’t wanna die?
V: Remember you whinin’ for smokes in the middle of the night? Complainin’ about not bein’ able to kill me.
1. Gonna be to up our necks in juicy contracts, broder, I can feel it.
2. It’ll be alright, V, you’ll see.
3. Misty knew… Misty always knows…
4. Hit the major leagues, mano! Runnin’ with Dex! Fat-assed Black Jesus of the Afterlife. A heap of partly gold-plated cool. Not bad, eh?
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