Galanthus Nivalis, or Snowdrop, is a common plant native to many countries in Europe and Western Asia. Snowdrops each grow a single, pendulous, bell-shaped white flower, held on a slender pedicel.
Snowdrops are potent ingredients used in various memory enhancing potions. Because of this, most magical hospitals keep a well-stocked supply of this plant.
Snowdrops are associated with the constellation Athena, and the elements Earth and Water.
Galanthus Nivalis(雪花莲、雪滴花)是一种常见植物,原产于欧洲和西亚诸家。 雪花莲的花型为单朵下垂的钟形白花,花朵生长在细长的花梗上。
雪花莲是多种记忆增强药剂中使用的有效成分。 正因为如此,大多数魔法医院都备有这种植物的充足供应。
十九世纪的桂冠诗人丁尼生( Tennyson)❺则将Galanthus Nivalis(雪滴花)形容为“一年中的第一滴雪”(the first snowdrop of the year in my bosom lies)。
❶ 阿西西的圣弗朗西斯(Saint Francis of Assisi),Francis of Assisi,原名Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone(c.1181年-1226年10月3日),是一位意大利神秘主义和天主教修士。据说他受到启发,作为传教士过着贫穷的生活。他是基督教中最受尊敬的人物之一,于1228年7月16日被教皇格雷戈里九世封为圣人。
❺ 桂冠诗人丁尼生( the Laureate Tennyson),“桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom)是一种由英国君主授予的荣誉职位。这里的Tennyson指阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生勋爵(Alfred, Lord Tennyson)(1809年8月6日-1892年10月6日),英国知名桂冠诗人。
争议:Moly与Galanthus Nivalis(雪滴花)
有观点认为,关于雪花的最古老的记录(Galanthus nivalis L.)是荷马史诗《奥德赛》中发现的,其中雪花被描述为“moly”,并被Odysseus用作Circe有毒药物的解毒剂(Plaitakis and Duvoisin, 1983)。
Historically, the first evidence for the mind-affecting properties of galantamine come from Homer’s Odyssey, where, some scholars argue, Homer describes Odysseus using the snowdrop to clear his mind of Circe’s bewitchment: ‘the root was black, while the flower was as white as milk; the gods call it Moly’.
Germander is a bitter plant which can be found all over the world, but mostly in Mediterranean climates. It can be used in potions or, despite its bitterness and an ingredient in magical foods such as fudge.
Germander is primarily used as a snake, worm, and slug repellant. It can also be used to treat various snake bites.
Germander is associated with the elements Air and Water.
Germander(日耳曼德)是一种苦味植物,在世界各地都可以找到,但主要分布在地中海气候地区。 它可以用于药剂中,虽然有苦味,但它其实是一些软糖等神奇食物的成分。
Germander 主要用作蛇、蠕虫和蛞蝓的驱避剂。 也可用于治疗各种蛇咬伤。
Germander 与风元素和水元素有关。
Culpepper❶ tells us that it is:
'most effectual against the poison of all serpents, being drunk in wine and the bruised herb outwardly applied.... Used with honey it cleanseth ulcers and made into an oil and the eyes anointed therewith, taketh away dimness and moisture. It is also good for pains in the side and cramp.... The decoction taken for four days driveth away and cureth tertian and quartan agues. It is also good against diseases of the brain, as continual headache, falling sickness, melancholy, drowsiness and dulness of spirits, convulsions and palsies.'
(Germander是)对所有蛇类的毒最有效的,配合酒饮用,并将草药涂抹在受伤处……与蜂蜜一起饮用,可以清洁溃疡,若制成油,并将它涂抹在眼睛上,可以减轻晦暗和潮湿。(Germander)对腰痛和痉挛也有好处……煎剂服四天,可驱除三日疟疾和四日疟疾。 它还可以治疗脑部疾病,如持续头痛、晕倒、忧郁、嗜睡、精神迟钝、抽搐和麻痹。
❶ Nicholas Culpeper,尼古拉斯·卡尔佩珀(Nicholas Culpeper,1616—1654)是英国植物学家、医师和占星家,著有《草药全书》(Complete Herbal)
Goosegrass is a creeping plant which grows along the ground and other plants. It is a common plant and can be found worldwide.
Ointments made from Goosegrass can be used to treat skin conditions such as hydra hives, bursting boils, and even dragonpox. Goosegrass can also be used in preparing habit-breaking potions.
Goosegrass is associated with the plannet Neptune and the element Earth.
鹅草是一种匍匐植物,沿着地面和其他植物生长。 它是一种常见的植物,在世界各地都可以找到。
用鹅草制成的药膏可用于治疗皮肤病,如水螅荨麻疹、爆裂的疖子,甚至龙痘。 鹅草还可以用来制作戒除习惯的药水。
' pottage made of Cleavers, a little mutton and oatmeal is good to cause lankness and keepe from fatnesse.'
用Galium aparine(原拉拉藤)、一些羊肉和燕麦片(制作成的食物/药物/whatever什么诡异不明混合物)可以有效造成消瘦,阻止肥胖(达到减肥效果)
❶ 约翰·杰拉德,John Gerard,1545-1612年,英国草药师,著有《本草书,或植物的故事》(Herball, or Generall Historie of Plants),本系列曾在挖掘“Barnacle Tree,长鸭子的树”的部分提及过这一作者兼英国草药师,考虑到他本人对鸭子树的盛赞,实际对于Galium aparine的解毒作用大家应该能有个判断…
▎ Grave Flower,墓花
——Serpent Lure
Grave Flower is a dioecious flowering plant native to Europe, Western Asia and Northern Africa. Its flowers each have five white petals and grow in clusters.
Picking this plant is extremely dangerous as it immediately attracts angry serpents. Many witches and wizards have been sent to their graves (as the name suggests) after picking this plant. Its only known use in Potion Making is in serpent-related hexes and poisons.
Grave Flower is associated with Saturn and the element Earth.
Grave Flower(墓花)是一种雌雄异株的开花植物,原产于欧洲、 西亚和北非。 它的花朵每朵都有五片白色花瓣,成簇生长。
采摘这种植物是极其危险的,因为它会立即吸引被激怒的蛇。 许多女巫和男巫在采摘这种植物后被送进坟墓(顾名思义)。 它在魔药制作中唯一已知的用途是与蛇相关的巫术和毒药。
Grave Flower与土星和土元素有关。
➤ wiki:Galanthus nivalis|Moly (herb)|Francis of Assisi|John Evelyn|Robert Boyle|Thomas Tickell|Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom|Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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